Volume 2


  The Ilion Mystery - Part 1   When one approaches Sri Aurobindo’s poem Ilion, one may be captivated by the poem’s epic breath, by its particular musicality, or by some mysterious inner resonance. Indeed, the subject of the poem is the last day of the Trojan...


  https://www.greekmyths-interpretation.com/en/introduction-to-sri-aurobindos-poem-ilion-part-1/   https://www.greekmyths-interpretation.com/en/introduction-to-sri-aurobindos-poem-ilion-part-2/  ...


    The myth behind Europe THE OLYMPIC GAMES, their true meaning in ancient Greece    


Ilion Auroville team members (Alexander Pereverzev, Cibin Thomas, Sivarajan Devarajan, Caroline Gindre, Claude de Warren, Gaspard Perrier, Rajesh Shah, Hartmut von Lieres(Not in the picture)) Why support us?   We are a small team from Auroville International...


Date Description Menu Item Page Remarks 01/08/2023 Genealogical Diagrams Version 2 Genealogical Diagrams Genealogical Diagrams Updated all the diagrams


Claude de Warren Born of June 18th 1949 in Paris, Claude began from early on to devote himself to the study of human evolution and the workings of consciousness. As he was working full-time as an engineer installing radar systems at airports, he found he had to reduce...


Courses to share our approach to making Greek myths come alive and help seekers with interpreting events and their journeys and overcoming obstacles on the path.

The Argonauts and the death of the giant Talos

  << Previous : The Argonauts in the Hesperides garden Having followed his directions the heroes skirted Crete where the giant Talos attacked them with stones. Zeus had offered him to Europa after being united with her. He went around Crete three times a...

The Argonauts in the Hesperides garden

  << Previous : The Argonauts and the desert test Having arrived at the shores of Lake Triton the heroes laid down their vessel. Parched with thirst they sought a spring and reached the place where on the previous day a dragon had been guarding the golden...

The Argonauts and the desert test

  << Previous : The union of Jason and Medea Although they had reached the outskirts of their homeland the heroes still had to undergo other trials on the borders of Libya. While the land of Pelops was in sight they were roughly treated by a storm raised by...

The union of Jason and Medea

  << Previous : The Argonauts avoid Charybdis and Scylla Then the heroes arrived to a vast and fertile island inhabited by the Phaeacians and ruled by King Alcinous where they were very warmly welcomed. Drepane (“the Sickle”) was the name of the sacred...

The Argonauts avoid Charybdis and Scylla

  << Previous : The Argonauts escape the seduction of the Sirens As Hera had foreseen the heroes then approached Charybdis and Scylla at the “crossroad of the sea routes”. In fact Hera knew that without the intervention of Thetis their route would lead them...

The Argonauts escape the seduction of the Sirens

  << Previous : The Argonauts at Circe Before reaching the baneful waters of Charydbis and Scylla, the heroes passed by the Island of Flowers inhabited by the Sirens whose spellbinding songs made all those who moored in proximity to the island perish. But...

The Argonauts at Circe

  << Previous : Argonauts are confronted with spiritual presumption and the awakening of kundalini Setting sail again the heroes finally reached the harbour of Aeaea where they found Circe, the daughter of Helios and sister of Aeetes. She was cleansing her...

The murder of Apsyrtus by Jason

  << Previous : The path of the return of the Argonauts Filled with rage Aeetes demanded that his people the Colchians bring back his daughter Medea without further delay. A large army set out in pursuit of the Argonauts under the leadership of Apsyrtus the...

The path of the return of the Argonauts

  << Previous : Jason kills the sawn-men raising out from the Dragon’s teeth Canto four deals wilt the return of the Argonauts Since Medea had decided to flee with Jason, she made use of her powers to lull the monstrous dragon to sleep so that Jason could...

The Argonauts and the birds of the island of Ares

  << Previous : The Argonauts pass off the coast of the Chalybes, Tibareni and Mossynoeci ENCOUNTER WITH THE SONS OF PHRIXOS The heroes then approach the island of Ares. It was populated by birds whose feathers fell from the sky like sharp arrows, causing...

The Argonauts on the island of Thynia

  << Previous : The Cyanean rocks or Symplegades (Clashing rocks) This myth illustrates the encounter with the Master or one’s personal path. The Argonauts disembarked on the port of the desert island Thynia. It was the moment just before dawn when a faint...

The Cyanean rocks or Symplegades (Clashing rocks)

  << Previous : The Argonauts at Phineus The myth of the Symplegades or Clashing Rocks, also known as the Cyanean Rocks, deals with the first major test for the spiritual seeker. Phineus counsels the heroes in these terms: “After you leave me and come to...

The Argonauts at Phineus

  << Previous : The Argonauts at the Bebryces This story deals with the perturbations of intuition and the impossibility of benefiting from expansions of consciousness The following day the heroes disembark on the land of the Thynians. On the shore dwelled...

Jason and the quest of the Golden Fleece

  The myth of Jason and the Golden Fleece describes the first steps on the spiritual journey, the encounter with the spiritual master and the tests until the first great spiritual experience. To fully understand this web page, it is recommended to follow the...

The Argonauts at the Bebryces

  << Previous : The Argonauts at the Dolions The second canto deals with other mistakes of the seeker, the clarifying of intuition, the episode of the dark rocks and the meeting with the true master After describing the risks of being misled Apollonius...

The Argonauts at the Dolions

  << Previous : The women of Lemnos This myth deals with inner insincerities which lead to deceptive paths During the night the heroes finished crossing the Hellespont and advanced into the Propontis. Then they reached a peninsula known as “Mount of Bears”...

The women of Lemnos

  << Previous : The departure of the Argo ship The “women of Lemnos” illustrate the quest for “exotic spiritual forms” in lieu of an aspiration to transform oneself The first episode which the seeker is faced with is illustrated by the episode of the women...

The departure of the Argo ship

  << Previous : The Argonauts The first Canto reports an erring vagrancy of the seeker looking for exotic forms of spirituality and fascinated by spiritual powers  It must be recalled that according to the seekers a wide variety of experiences can occur;...

The Argonauts

  << Previous : Jason and the quest of the Golden Fleece Jason’s companions the Argonauts represent the yogic labors that must be developed up to a certain level to begin the quest. We repeatedly will find lists of characters to illustrate the conditions...


  It is to be regretted that the last work of the Epic cycle, the Telegony, signifying 'that which is to be born in the future', has not survived. Said to have been composed by Eugammon of Cyrene in the mid-sixth-century BCE, this last part has only been...

The slaughter of the suitors (Book XXII)

  After getting rid of his rags, the beggar-Odysseus (Ulysses) fired an arrow into the throat of Antinoos who died immediately. Then he revealed his identity to the suitors green with terror. Then Eurymachos accused Antinoos of being solely responsible for the...

The Bow of Odysseus (Book XXI)

  Penelope fetched the bow, arrows and axes that were stored with Odysseus (Ulysses)' treasure in a locked room. The bow was a present from Iphitos whom Odysseus (Ulysses) had met one day at Orsilochus. Odysseus (Ulysses), then a young man, had been sent to the...

Odysseus (Ulysses) and Penelope (Book XIX)

  At Odysseus (Ulysses)' request, Telemachus sent away the women. Then, as Athena provided light with her golden lamp, they both carried helmets, spears and shields to the treasure. Telemachus told his father of the prodigy he witnessed: he saw the walls, beams...

The Beggars Fight (Book XVIII)

  An extremely gluttonous beggar, without strength or vigour but of very good appearance, arrived in the great hall. His name was Arne, but the young men nicknamed him Iros because he carried all the messages. He wanted to drive out the beggar-Odysseus (Ulysses)...

Odysseus the beggar (Book XVII)

  Telemachus, declaring that he did not want to take care of him, entrusted the "beggar" to Eumaeus to take him to the city while he himself would go to Penelope's house. Upon his arrival at the manor, he was greeted by Euryclia and then by his mother, to whom he...

The Return of Telemachus (Book XV)

  While these events were taking place in Ithaca, Athena went at night to Telemachus who was in Sparta at Menelaus with Pisistratus, Nestor's son. She urged him to return, informing him that Penelope's father and brothers were urging her to marry Eurymachos. She...

Telemachus at Menelaus in Sparta (Book IV)

  Telemachus and Pisistratus arrived at Menelaus’ home on the same day that he was celebrating the wedding of his two children: those of his daughter Hermione with Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, according to the promise made in Troad, and those of his bastard but...

Telemachus visits Nestor in Pylos (Book III)

  As the day rose, Telemachus' boat approached Pylos. It was the city of Neleus and his son Nestor. On the shore, black bulls were sacrificed in honour of Azure-haired Poseidon. The Pylians were divided into groups of five hundred, with nine bulls per group....

Preparation of Telemachus’ Journey (Book II)

  The next morning, Telemachus convened the assembly of Achaeans with long hair. As some asked why, Telemachus addressed the nobles present in the assembly. He complained that their sons were ruining his house and harassing his mother for almost four years to...


  In his aphorism 76, Sri Aurobindo says: “Europe prides herself on her practical and scientific organisation and efficiency. I am waiting till her organisation is perfect; then a child shall destroy her.” When Mother was asked to comment on this aphorism, she...

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Genealogical diagrams

The first diagram shows the overall architecture. The two that follows present syntheses of the two great spiritual paths: that of the ascent of the plans of consciousness or "spiritualization" of the being (Iapetus) and that of the “psychisation” (Oceanos). For...

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Inachus – Family tree 21

FAMILY TREE 21 - OCEANOS: THE INACHIDS This page presents the main line from the Titan Oceanos and therefore concerns the purification / liberation process. A general description of the first generations of this lineage corresponding to the family tree appearing above...

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Jason – Family tree 12

FAMILY TREE 12 - JASON This page presents the family trees of four sons of Aeolus out of the seven. Aeolus belongs to the line of Iapetus "the ascent of the planes of consciousness" (cf. Family tree 10 and Family tree 7). The Sisyphus family tree is presented in...

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Aeolus – Family tree 10

FAMILY TREE 10 - AEOLUS' CHILDREN Hellen belongs to the line of Iapetus "the ascent of the planes of consciousness" (cf. Family tree 7 ). It symbolizes the quest for "liberation" with a view to "awakening" according to the name of his wife Orseis. His son Aeolus,...

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Pleiades – Family tree 8

FAMILY TREE 8 - THE PLEIADES The seven Pleiades are daughters of Atlas, himself the son of Iapetus. They therefore relate to the ascent of the planes of mental consciousness. At the end of the war which opposed the gods to the Titans, that is to say when the mind...

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