Aphrodite riding a swan (detail)_ British Museum
This site presents a coherent and complete interpretation of Greek mythology, carried out by the application of decryption keys which were found by the author and are explained below. This mythology turns out to be an amazing pictorial description of the spiritual path as it was known in Homer’s time.
This interpretation has been published in French under the title Mythologie Grecque, Yoga de l’Occident (Greek Mythology, Yoga of the West) in three volumes. The texts on this site have therefore been translated from french and the reader could refer to the french version in case of doubt. The texts will be updated as new understandings become available.
Presented here is also a historical study on the Cycles of the mind in history, as well as a study of the interpretation of Sri Aurobindo’s poem ‘Ilion’, concerning the last day of the Trojan War.
Interpretation of Greek Mythology – Presentation
Once the decoding method and the structure of the mythology have been made explicit, the pages of this website have been designed to reflect the chapters of the published work, arranged as per the progression of the spiritual journey.
Searching this site can be done in two ways:
– either by searching in the table of contents located in the next tab “Greek myths interpretation”, the page where the myth or the character sought is. When the page is open, the search for the precise location is done by pressing Ctrl and F simultaneously. In the window that opens, type the keyword sought.
– or by typing the searched word in the window above “Google Custom Search”. Once a page has then been selected, the same search method by Ctrl + F can be applied.
The genealogical diagrams which constitute the structure of the mythology appear under the corresponding tab. They are essential for the proper understanding of myths.
Under the “Miscellaneous” tab, there are various documents which relate to the whole of mythology such as Planes of consciousness, The synoptic table of symbol letters of the Ionian alphabet, etc.
Note that in the chapter concerning the keys of interpretation, the drawings of the archaic letters of the Greek and Phoenician alphabets have not yet been inserted in the text.
Summary of the three volumes work on the interpretation of Greek mythology
The summary below follows the sequencing of myths as presented in the published works. However, this website can also be navigated independently of this sequence.
According to the Sanskrit origin of the word, the process of Yoga refers to a progression towards a state of ‘union’ with Supreme Reality. In its loss of meaning, our culture has often searched for such secrets in India, unaware that these had also been concealed within Greek mythology.
But it would seem unlikely that the ancient Greeks of Homer’s time, living roughly a hundred and forty generations before us and thus being our elder brothers on the scale of human evolution, would have developed such an extensive system of over a thousand characters for literary, historical or moral purposes alone. Is it not more likely that an elite group would have transcribed in coded form their highest knowledge in the domain of human experience?
When the decoding methods presented in these works are applied methodically, we are able to progressively discover a literary monument that is of great complexity but perfectly coherent. This mythological system is then revealed to be an extraordinary synthesis of different spiritual paths.
The interpretation presented here covers the totality of Greek mythology as it is presented in works including:
– The remarkable work of Timothy Grantz, Early Greek Myth (Belin 2004).
– The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology by Robin Hard (Routledge 2004).
To the extent that this system of mythology delineates the different paths of spiritual progress, the most trustworthy sources are the earliest ones – even though we often only have access to later compilations – as well as those which have been recorded by the initiated. It is generally noticeable that such individuals utilised the poetic form, more suited for the expression of truths of an order superior to that of the mind and sometimes received through direct ‘inspirations’.
Outside of the most well-known poets like Homer and Hesiod, this work of interpretation is therefore based on texts by the poets Pindar, Bacchylides and Pherecydes in the form of scholia and fragments, as well as on the texts of the philosopher Stesichorus.
The Argonautica of Apollonius of Rhodes served as a foundation for the decoding of the myth of Jason, although Apollonius does not appear to have numbered amongst the great initiates, having only pursued some stages of the path. This text is in fact the only one to illustrate in any detail the quest of the Argonauts, which spans from the beginnings of the path to the first great spiritual experience.