This page offers an interpretation of the myth of the Danaides, that of Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa as well as the birth and youth of Heracles.

Danae fertilised by Zeus changed into golden rain

Danae fertilised by Zeus changed into golden rain – Louvre Museum 

To fully understand this web page, it is recommended to follow the progression given in the tab Greek myths interpretation. This progression follows the spiritual journey.
The method to navigate in the site is given in the Home tab.

See Family tree 21 and Family tree 24 

The two great heroes, Perseus and his great-grand-son Heracles, are the descendants of the Titan Oceanos who symbolises the opening of consciousness in evolution (Κ+ Ν) by seeking contact with the inner reality (Tethys). (For this chapter, refer to the genealogical boards 21 and 24).
More precisely, they are located in the branch of the river Inachos which represents “the evolution of the gathering of consciousness” or “evolution of concentration” or “transformation towards the abolition of the ego” according to the value given in Khi.
It must be noted that this lineage refers mainly to the “psychisation” of the being by perfecting and purifying the processes of Nature.

Inachos is the great river of Argolis, the homeland of the “shining”, “pure (Argives)” and thus, the “truth seekers”.
According to the authors, he is either the father of Io, “(the opening of) consciousness (in incarnation)”, or one of her ancestors. In the latter case, generations were interspersed, either to introduce the Argives and facilitate understanding (Phoroneus “the one who brought forth evolution”, Niobe “the incarnation of consciousness” and Argos “shining”) or to bring consistency to the number of generations in the lineages, that proved to be a real challenge for many ancient mythologists.
From Io, the sources tend to converge. We first notice this in her succession by her son Epaphus “touched”, that is to say, “the one who has experienced the touch of the Absolute”, or “the first contact of the seeker with his inner being”, and the twins Belos and Agenor whose progeny respectively describe the theoretical and practical teachings of “purification” and “liberation”.

The branch of Agenor (purification) is in turn divided into two sub-branches: Cadmus opens the royal lineage of Thebes whose ultimate goal is the re-harmonisation and transformation of the energy centres, and that of Europe initiates the one of Crete which is related to the opening of consciousness and consecration, as well as issues of “self-confinement” in some mental structures (the Minotaur) when this consecration fails.

The branch of Belos exposes the teachings for the liberation, especially through victory over the deformations of life energy including those resulting from fear (Perseus), and through the Labours of Heracles.
The exploits of Perseus, far from being the only victories of the beginning of the way, extend to levels of consciousness that bring the seeker to the origins of life on Earth, because man retains the memory of his evolution through processes whose functionings still elude us in greater part.

The common ancestors of Perseus, Heracles, Oedipus and Europe

Perseus was an ancestor of Heracles, therefore, the “project” or “ambience” of the famous “Labours” is illustrated by his victory over the Gorgon Medusa, i.e. over the alteration of the life energy.

The son of Inachos, Phoroneus “the one who brought forth evolution” is renowned for gathering the first inhabitants of the future Argos, confirming the momentum initiated by his father Inachos “the evolution of consciousness, of concentration”. This represents a preparation for the quest – the future Argos being the city of seekers – and opens the way to those who want to accelerate the pace of their evolution in themselves.

The early seeker must recognise that he is the theatre of impulses and conflicting desires, a disorder of thoughts and mixed emotions and inaccurate operations generated by the “nodes” of evolution.
Moreover, he can observe