His name itself situates Hyperion at the highest level of the world of the Titans. Hyperion is ‘Hyper+IΩ, the highest consciousness’. In addition, the character omega ‘opens’ this consciousness in the direction of matter for a transformation into new states of being. His partner is Theia, ‘the Divine one’. Her name, structured around the character theta, Θ, translates a movement from ‘within’ through which Hyperion is expressed. Their children are Helios (father of Phaethon) , Selene and Eos.
See Family tree 4
Helios – Pergamon Museum
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At this level it is very difficult to draw a parallel between the concepts of mythology and those described by Sri Aurobindo or by Hindu tradition.
As the Titans are situated in a level above the gods, they must all be individualised expressions of the supramental. But there seem to exist differences of levels however, for we explain ourselves badly in the opposite case why naming Hyperion ‘the highest consciousness’.
We have attributed to the Titan Koios the principle of generation and growth of the psychic being, which develops around the divine spark in incarnation. In fact, his daughter the divine Leto indicates, through the structuring characters of her name, an individuation at the summit of consciousness. And the psychic being evolves through the growth of consciousness illustrated by her children Apollo and Artemis. The latter then become expressions of the psychic destined to come to the forefront of the being, and ‘to be greater gods than the children of Hera’.
The psychic being stands ‘behind’ the surface personality and is a central part of the being to which we relate Hyperion, who holds himself ‘above’ and who has a representative in each of the lower planes. His children Helios, Selene and Eos therefore belong to the domain of the Being, known by some as the true Self, and no longer to that of Becoming. They are respectively expressions of the Light of Truth, the True non-separated self which in the created worlds takes the initial evolutionary form of the ‘lesser self’ – the personality of the body, life and mind destined to cede its place to the real self – and the animating principle, the breath which goes from one to the other and is the link of the Eternal New.
They could also represent:
An illuminating principle, the sun Helios in resonance with the Spirit.
A principle of action which is also a perfect receptivity to the illuminating principle – the moon, Selene, in resonance with the principle of Matter.
A principle linking the preceding gods, the divine game renewing itself ceaselessly through an ‘eternal newness’: Eos, the ‘rosy fingered’ goddess of dawn, is in resonance with the principle of divine Joy, Ananda or Eros.
These three characters are relatively but little present in mythology, for they belong to very elevated levels of consciousness. During his tenth labour, in which appear the herds of Geryon, we see Heracles borrowing the boat of the sun Helios and some time later threatening the sun with his arrows when he finds himself overwhelmed by its heat. This easy familiarity with Helios indicates that the seeker has reached the proximity of the supramental, from where he can explore the roots of evolution by using the tools with which the soul, having attained a perfect state of receptivity in the boat of the sun, ‘knows’.
Helios and his son Phaethon
Helios the sun is therefore the symbol of the illuminating principle of the supramental Consciousness of Truth.
In later periods he was often confused with Apollo, but it is of paramount importance to distinguish between the two. Apollo and Artemis – respectively representing the light and power of will in the process of purification, as well as a determination striving towards its goal – are both on the plane of human consciousness (which is temporarily identified with intelligence) the expressions of the psychic being or psychic personality for they are the children of Zeus and Leto, which is to say the individualised divine aspect within each being which develops through recurrent lifetimes.
On the other hand, Helios represents the light of the supramental Truth, eternal and one with the Absolute.
His name is formed around t