The lineages involved in the Trojan War include: the Tantalum lineage, the Trojan royal lineage, the Spartan lineage, the Maia lineage, the Deion lineage and the Asopos lineage. The royal lineage of Sparta (Taygetus lineage) studied here illustrates the access to the intuitive mind from the illumined mind. It includes Helen, “The Evolutionary Truth”, Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux, Idas and Lynceus, and Penelope.
Helen recovered by Menelaus
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The royal lineage of Sparta is the symbol of new orientations of evolution (those which ‘surge forth’).
See Family tree 13
Amongst the Pleiades, daughters of Atlas, the lineage of Taygete corresponds to the level of the intuitive mind (or more directly to that of intuition in the classification given by Sri Aurobindo), a level which follows upon that of the illumined mind and precedes the overmind. According to Sri Aurobindo, it is a state of consciousness in which the seeker operates through different kinds of powers: ‘Intuition has a fourfold power. A power of revelatory truth seeing, a power of inspiration or truth-hearing, a power of truth-touch or immediate seizing of significance, which is akin to the ordinary nature of its intervention in our mental intelligence, a power of true and automatic discrimination of the orderly and exact relation of truth to truth, – these are the fourfold potencies of Intuition. Intuition can therefore perform all the action of reason -including the function of logical intelligence, which is to work out the right relation of things and the right relation of idea with idea, – but by its own superior process and with steps that do not fail or falter. It takes up also and transforms into its own substance not only the mind of thought, but the heart and life and the sense and physical consciousness’ (The Life Divine, Chapter 23 ‘The Ascent Towards Supermind’).
It is therefore possible to guess that this was the highest level which the adventurers of consciousness could access and perhaps also remain in at that time. In fact the next level is that of the overmind, of Maia and her son the god Hermes, of which the seeker only receives lightening flashes unless he is a living avatar. This is why Ulysses, representing the most advanced of seekers, belongs to this lineage through his mother Anticlia.
On the other hand the lineage of Taygete is closely linked to that of Perieres amongst the descendants of Aeolus, thus linking the stages of ascension to corresponding realisations. In fact, one member from each of the lineages entered into a union with Gorgophone, ‘she who slays fear’, who was a daughter of Perseus (although it must be noted that other writers describe different versions of genealogical relatedness).
A number of authors even seem to have confused the two lineages, bringing some uncertainty into these myths. Apollodorus, who seems to have always sought to present the most coherent and reliable versions of the myths, gives several alternative versions in this case. In the first version, which he attributes to the poet Stesichorus, the four great heroes Tyndareus, Icarius, Aphareus and Leucippus are brothers who descended directly from Perieres, himself a son of Cynortes, and therefore belong to the lineage of Taygete.
In the second version, Apollodorus mentions homonymous Perieres, each belonging to one of the two lineages. From the first (or it is sometimes said directly from Cynortes) and within the lineage of Taygete was born Oebalus, who was the father of Tyndareus and Icarius. From the second were born Aphareus and Leucippus within the lineage of Aeolus.
In this work it is this last version which is considered (see the first chapter), for it corresponds to the version in the Catalogue of Women in which Tyndareus is described as a son of Oebalus. In fact there is a tendency to consider that not identifying with what acts within ourselves, the ego (incarnated by the children of Aphareus in the lineage of Perieres), belongs to the domain of experience rather than to that of simple theoretical description, even if it is closely tied to the plane of the intuitive mind (Taygete) or at least to a temporary access to this plane. Sri Aurobindo also explains that the static experience of Self belongs to this plane of the